Heart Failure-Induced Myopathy: The Predictive Role of Altered Myokines’ Profile
The editorial is depicted the role of altered myokines profile in heart failure (HF) patients in prediction of HF-related myopathy and unfavorable clinical events. The development and progression of the HF is closely associated with the occurrence of myopathy, which leads to fatigue, low tolerability to physical exercise and increased risk of mortality. Myokines are predominantly produced by skeletal myocytes and regulate energy homeostasis, reparation, and perfusion of both skeletal muscles and myocardium. Recent clinical studies have shown that the altered profile of these myokines is strongly associated with the transformation of single-skeletal muscle fiber myosin heavy chain isoforms, impaired muscle energy metabolism and regeneration of skeletal muscles and myocardium. Although the predictive value of myokines appears to be optimistic for HF progression, the ability of altered myokines’ profile to improve discriminative potency of contemporary predictive scores in HF requires to be wide investigated in large clinical trials.
heart failure; biomarkers; myokines; myopathy; prediction; outcomes
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