Background: Different factors may influence the ability to clear the virus C hepatitis. Viral and host factors contribute to success or failure of antiviral therapy. The aim of this stud was to analyze the combined effect of interleukin-28B polymorphism of recipient and donor in the response to the treatment on a cohort of patients undergoing liver transplant.
Methods: A total of 69 patients were included in the study. Genotyping of rs12979860 was performed using a TaqMan allelic discrimination assay.
Results: The end treatment response in CC/CC group was 73.3%, being the 80.6% in the second group of patients (CC/non-CC or non-CC/CC). The lowest rate of response (40.0%) was found in the group with both genotypes non-CC/non-CC. Therefore, we grouped as good responders (CC/CC and CC/non-CC or non-CC/CC) and were compared with the non-CC/non-CC group (p= 0.005, CI 95%, OR: 5.4 [1.22-22.9]). The same analysis was performed in respect to sustained virological response (p= 0.08, OR: 2.81 CI 95% [0.73-11.06]).
Conclusion: The response to antiviral therapy in liver transplant patients is associated to IL28B genotype and it appears sufficient the presence of a CC IL-28B genotype at one member of the pair receptor/donor to achieve adequate rates of response.
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