Pangastritis by Strongyloides stercoralis in An Immunocompetent Patient: Case Report and Literature Review

Andrey Biff Sarris, Frederico Antonio Berbetz, Fernando José Leopoldino Fernandes Candido, Paula Beatriz Moreira Salles, Mário Rodrigues Montemor Netto


Introduction: Strongyloides stercoralis’ infections are usually asymptomatic. The parasite colonizes the small intestine and only a few cases of gastric involvement have been described.

Case presentation: A 57-year-old male patient presented a 6 kg weight loss in a time interval of three months. To exclude the possibility of cancer, he was submitted to an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, which suggested pangastritis. The gastric estrongiloidiasis diagnosis was further confirmed in the histopatologic analysis, which revealed the presence of S. stercoralis’ eggs and worms.

Discussion: Even though the stomach involvement is rare, patients whose gastric mucosa is infected are more likely to evolve to the severe forms. Gastroduodenal ulcers and perforations have been reported as possible complications. Stool examination is considered the gold standard diagnostic method, but the histopatologic analysis may be valuable when stool examination fails. The treatment does not depend on the infection’s site and ivermectin is the first line therapy.


Strongyloides stercoralis; Gastritis; Strongyloidiasis; Infection

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