Investigating the relationship between Vitamin D and Bone Mineral Density among Coeliac patients attending Ibn Sina Hospital.
Aim: To investigate the correlation between vitamin D and bone mineral density among coeliac patients.
Material and Methods: This is a cross sectional hospital-based study carried out in Ibn-Sina hospital from July – November 2019. Forty-two participants with coeliac disease were recruited in this study aged 18 years or above who attended the coeliac clinic. Data was collected using well-constructed questionnaires. Their laboratory investigations along with serum 25(OH)D levels were done. Bone mineral density was measured using Furuno’s CM-200 light ultrasound bone densitometer . Data was analyzed by using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) software.
Results: A total of 42 participants were enrolled. Eighty one percent of the sample were female and 19% were male. The mean age of our sample was 27.3095± 9.47780SD. This study demonstrated a moderate positive relationship between vitamin D level and T- score level with (r= 0.437), and statistically significant (P<0.004). There was a significant relation between T -score and adherence to gluten free diet (P<0.012). All the participants stated no previous history of bone fracture. Moreover, the results revealed no coeliac patients with osteoporosis.
Conclusion: There was correlation between vitamin D and BMD. Our results suggest, there is an underlying factor related to bone fracture among patients with coeliac disease. Furthermore, we suggest that serum calcium investigation is not predictive of low BMD in coeliac patients.
Keywords: Coeliac, Vitamin D, Bone Mineral Density
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