Risk factors, Psychosocial Correlates and Health-related Quality of Life in Nigerian with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Community-based Study
Background: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) occurs worldwide and portends a huge socioeconomic burden to the individual and society. Though extensively investigated in some other regions, IBS has not been adequately studied in sub-Saharan African. We studied the prevalence of IBS, its risk factors and the health-related quality of life in a Nigerian community.
Methods: We interviewed 515 consenting adults aged 18 – 70 years in a Nigerian community. We collected data from the participants with a composite questionnaire consisting of the Rome IV Functional Bowel Disorder questionnaire, the Becks Anxiety and Depression Inventories, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Early Trauma Inventory-Self Report, Short Form 12, version 2 Health Survey (SF-12v2) questionnaire and other relevant questions. Data analysis was done with appropriate statistical instruments.
Results: We included 505 participants in the data analysis. Participants’ mean age was 32.7 ±12.9 years. The prevalence of IBS was 3.6% (95% CI = 2.0% - 5.3%). IBS had statistically significant relationship with anxiety [OR = 1.09 (1.03 – 1.15), P = 0.002] and low educational attainment [OR = 5.73 (95% CI, 1.52 -21.61), P = 0.010]. The mean scores of the SF-12v2 8 scales, except vitality, were lower in subjects with IBS than the controls. The relationship was statistically significant in all the scales (P ≤ 0.05), except general health and vitality.
Conclusion: IBS is positively associated with anxiety, low educational attainment and poor health-related quality of life. Clinicians need to pay attention to the mental health and quality of life of their patients with IBS.
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