Association of Butyrate Fermented in Aloe Vera Gel With Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Progression. Case Report 1: Mitigation of Nursing Care Level

Akira Yagi, M Hasegawa, S Ataka


The non-digestible polysaccharide acemannan in Aloe vera gel is highly butyrate fermentable dietary fiber. The relationship between Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia with butyrogenic microbiota and butyrate fermented was discussed in the prevention of human physiological disease such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia progression. In case report 1, it was suggested that the efficacy of hypotensive, hypoglycemic, antianginal, and cognition enhancer drug for a frail female patient needed the nursing care level 2, may be supported with daily ingestion of aloe vera juice with the drug and multivitamin modulating from the nursing care level 2 into 1 and providing an important role in the modulation of brain homeostasis.


Aloe vera gel; Butyrate fermented; Association of butyrate to Alzheimer’s disease; Dementia progression

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