ISSN: 2412-2424;
Frequency: Biannually, Instant published;
The first Issue: December, 2015;
Full Open Access;
Publishing fee SCOPE: JRR publish high-quality original articles, reviews, and commentaries in the fields of respiratory medicine, including lung cell biology, epidemiology, immunology, pathophysiology, thoracic imaging, paediatric pneumology, occupational medicine, intensive care, sleep medicine, and thoracic surgery and oncology.
MISSION: The mission of the journal is the rapid exchange of scientific information between clinicians and scientists worldwide, seeks publish papers reporting original clinical and scientific research which are of a high standard and which contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of respiratory.

Yoshinori Marunaka, Professor and Chairperson, Departments of Molecular Cell Physiology and Bio-Ionomics, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan; and also serves as Director, the Library at the university, and Director and Professor, Japan Institute for Food Education and Health, St. Agnes’ University. He is President-Elect, The Physiological Society of Japan.

Antonio M. Esquinas, MD, PhD, staff physician of Intensive Care unit of Hospital Morales Meseguer in Murcia (Spain), associated Fellow College Chest Physicians, International Fellow American Association of Respiratory Care and Director International School of Non-invasive mechanical Ventilation, President International Association of NIV, and Ibero American Association of Bioethics in NIV.
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ABSTRACT: Respiratory diseases have broad category from allergic disease to diffuse lung diseases. In approach for these diseases, we should collect many useful clinical information with physiological, imaging, and pathological point of view. Using focused clinical approach and physiological thinking will contribute to arrive adequate diagnosis with imaging and pathology. I show integrated approach of clinical findings and physiology for representative respiratory diseases such as community acquired pneumonia, chronic obstructive lung disease, bronchial asthma and interstitial lung disease. More
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