Household Contacts of HCV Patients at Beltag Village, Egypt; Seropositivity and Habits
Background : Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of chronic hepatitis and is considered as a worldwide problem. Egypt has the highest HCV prevalence in the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend HCV screening for all adults at high risk of infection.
Aim of the study: To determine the prevalence of HCV seropositivity among household contacts of HCV positive patients and study their habits.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Beltag; a rural village affiliated to Nile Delta. Interviewed questionnaire was used including sociodemographic data and HCV risk factors information. All household contacts were assessed for HCV infection by testing for anti-HCV antibody using a commercial ELISA.
Results: 102 of HCV hepatitis patients and 360 of their household contacts were included in the study. The prevalence of HCV seropositivity among household contacts was 35%. 78(61.9%) of seropositive contacts were over forty years old, 42(33.3%) received parenteral anti-schistosomal therapy, 72(57.1%) helped family HCV patients during bleeding episodes. Logistical regression showed that the most significant variable associated independently to HCV seropositivity in patients' contacts was helping HCV patients during bleeding episodes (OR = 7.262; 95% CI: 3.588– 14.698 p 0.000).
Conclusion: This study approximates the findings of other studies which reported a high prevalence seropositivity among HCV patient’s contacts. Help HCV patients during bleeding episodes is the most significant risk factor for intrafamilial HCV transmission.
HCV Patients , Seropositivity , Household contacts.
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