ISSN: 2413-8223;
Frequency: Biannually, Instant published;
The first Issue: April, 2016;
Full Open Access;
Publishing fee Journal of Dermatological Research publishes papers reporting original clinical and scientific research which are of a high standard and which contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of dermatology.
COLUMNS: (1) Editorial: To introduce and comment on major advances and developments in the field; (2) Topic Highlight: which summarize current knowledge and newly presented information in a particular article - a useful tool for the busy clinician; (3) Review: In depth Clinical Reviews on hot topics in dermatology; (4) Original Article: Original Research at the highest level covering the spectrum of clinical dermatology including the latest clinical studies on emerging developments; (5) Case Report: To report a rare or typical case; (6) Letters to the Editor: To discuss and make reply to the contributions published in JDR, or to introduce and comment on a controversial issue of general interest.

Jianzhong Zhang, Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, Peking University People`s Hospital, BeiJing, China. President of Chinese Society of Dermatology (CSD) and a council member of the Asian Dermatological Association. Vice president, Chinese Dermatologist Association; Vice president, Chinese society of cosmetic and regenerative medicine; Head of atopic dermatitis research group and head of hair disorder research group, CSD, China.
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Kyoung-Chan Park, Professor, Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea. Chairman of Department of Dermatology, Bundang Seoul National University Hospital. From 2008 to 2011, he served aspresident of Asian Society for Pigment Cell Research. His current positions include “President of International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies”; President of Korean Society for Pigment Cell Research; President of Korean Society for Cosmetic Dermatology.
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Table of Contents
Phytophotodermatitis: A Review of Its Clinical and Pathogenic Aspects |
Hiram Larangeira De Almeida Jr, Débora Sarzi Sartori, Valéria Magalhães Jorge, Nara Moreira Rocha, Luis Antonio Suita de Castro |
51-56 |
Original Article
Sociocultural representations of the patients reached of dermatoses at the African black, Teaching Hospital of Treichville, Abidjan, Ivory Coast |
ECRA ELIDJE JOSEPH, Kassi Komenan, Kouassi Yao Isidore, Bamba Vagamond, Kouassi Kouamé Alexandre, Gbery Idevert Patrice, Kourouma Hamdan Sarah, Kaloga Mamadou, Kanga Kouamé, Ahogo Kouadio Celestin, Allou Alain Serges, Sangare Abdoulaye |
60-64 |
Definitive Radiotherapy for Basal Cell Carcinoma and Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Nose |
David Gregory Tighe, Bianca Karle, Amelia Hollands, Gavin Gottschalk, Christina Saywell, Terence Poon, Tanya Gilmour, Jillian Wells, Jonathan Stretch, Anne O'Neill, Nina Wines, Michael Li, Andrea Jopp-McKay, Gerald Blaise Fogarty |
156-162 |
Case Report
Pediatric Tumid Lupus Erythematosus: Two Case Reports |
Marjon Vatanchi, Doaa Shalabi, Edward Heilman, Sharon Glick, Jeannette Jakus |
72-74 |
ISSN: 2413-8223