Table of Contents
Augmented Reality and Minimally Invasive Surgery | PDF HTML |
Jacques Marescaux, Michele Diana, Luc Soler | 555-560 |
High-fibre Diet and Colonic Diverticulosis | PDF HTML |
Choon Sheong Seow, Francis Seow-Choen | 561-563 |
Perspectives of Mass Colorectal Cancer Screening and Early Clinical Diagnosis | PDF HTML |
Hong-Hong Zhu | 564-567 |
Original Article
Aloe Vera High Molecular Weight Fractions as Carbohydratebased Immune Adjuvants | PDF HTML |
Akira Yagi | 568-570 |
Utility of Anti-actin Iga Antibody in Combination with the New ESPGHAN Guidelines for Coeliac Disease Diagnosis | PDF HTML |
Enrico Schirru, Fabrice Danjou, Lucia Cicotto, Maria Paola Musu, Fulvia Frau, Stefano De Virgiliis, Rossano Rossino, Maria Doloretta Macis, Rosanna Lampis, Rita-Désirée Jores, Mauro Congia | 571-575 |
Association Between Brain-gut Peptide Polymorphisms and Irritable Bowel Syndrome | PDF HTML |
Yosuke Toya, Toshimi Chiba, Tamotsu Sugai, Wataru Habano, Kazuyuki Suzuki | 576-580 |
Feasibility of Anticoagulation in Patients of Budd-chiari Syndrome with Gastroesophageal Varices and Portal Hypertension | PDF HTML |
Hany Dabbous, Mohammad Sakr, Sara Abdelhakam, Said Youssef, Mohamed Gharib, Mohamed Shaker, Ahmed Eldorry | 581-584 |
Fecal Calprotectin – a Non-invasive Marker for Assessing the Intestinal Inflammation in Patients with Colonic Diverticular Disease | PDF HTML |
Ventsislav N Nakov, Plamen I Penchev, Radislav V Nakov, Ivan N Terziev, Milko T Shishenkov, Todor G Kundurzhiev | 585-589 |
Efficacy Platelet/Spleen Diameter Ratio for Detection of Esophageal Varices in Cirrhotic Patients | PDF HTML |
Abdol Rahim Masjedizadeh, Eskandar Hajiani, Pezhman Alavi nejad, Jalal Hashemi, Ali Akbar Shayesteh, Zinab Yasin | 590-592 |
Efficacy of Calcium Alginate in Prevention of Hepatic Parenchymal Bleeding: An Experimental Study | PDF HTML |
Erdem Kınaci, Fatih Basak, Oguzhan Dincel | 593-596 |
Impact of Serum Alpha-fetoprotein Levels on the Response to Antiviral Therapy in Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C | PDF HTML |
Mahasen Mabrouk, Wahid Doss, Naglaa Zayed, Shimaa Afify, Gamal Esmat | 597-601 |
Measuring Partial Pressure of Ammonia in Arterial or Venous Blood VS total Ammonia Levels in Hepatic Encephalopathy | PDF HTML |
Mohammad Asif Mehmood, Tariq Waseem, Farina Zia Ahmad, Malik Asif Humayun | 602-606 |
Case Report
A Rare Case of Pediatric Gastric Xanthoma: Diagnosis and Follow-up | PDF HTML |
Marco Gasparetto, Pennelli Gianmaria, Galuppini Francesca, Cananzi Mara, Guariso Graziella | 607-608 |

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ISSN: 2224-6509